Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lame-Duck Congress Poised to Introduce DREAM Act

A little over two weeks after the November 2nd midterm elections, Congress is now coming back into session. With Democratic majorities in the House, Senate, and a clear liberal ally in the White House, almost anything is possible. One of the first actions of the lame-duck Congress being tossed around is the introduction of the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act is essentially a pass for the illegal immigrants that have been felons since their feet touched our soil.

Moreover, the DREAM Act does not just give aliens citizenship, but makes them meet a certain level of requirements to obtain it. While any intelligent person can see that this is clearly better than just handing out citizenship, it is intrinsically wrong in its nature. After millions of illegal aliens illegally crossed our borders, held illegal jobs, and have avoided taxes, are we really planning on giving them a pass? These are same people who are taking work from Americans who are picking cans out of the trash right now just to get by. With an unemployment rate hitting the double digits, this is not what America needs.

America being a Constitutional Republic, we run on a system of laws. We can't be advocate that certain people get a pass for breaking certain laws and lock people up for years for breaking other laws. Also, a nation is defined by its borders and when dismantle our system of borders, then are we still a country? Anyone can walk in, and this is happening right now. Thousands of drug smugglers, human traffickers, criminals, and terrorists are crossing our southern border on a daily or weekly basis. Instead of securing our border, we're trying to legalize the criminals that are already here. We have come to a sad point in American history.

To me, this only shows the complete arrogance of the liberal. Only a little more than two weeks ago did Republicans take control of over sixty previously controlled democratic seats in the United States House of Representatives. After the American people have clearly spoken, what do the Democrats go and do? They introduce left-wing legislation that the American people clearly do not want and have rejected at the polls.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama think it's a good idea to give these aliens citizenship. Are they crazy? Illegal immigrants contribute to the imminent degradation of society. Just their presence in this country makes them criminals, let alone the acts the commit while here. Twenty-nine percent of our current prisoners in our federal prison system are illegal aliens. Why are we paying for these people, why are we letting them take our jobs? Not only is the DREAM Act stupid, it's insane.

See more here.

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